Cashmere JL

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Book Description

There were three things I didn’t know when I moved into the all-girls, non-sorority house Blossom Field Avenue #246:
1) The house opposite ours, #247, is home to the gorgeous jerks of the Iota Fraternity.
2) Lucian Spencer Anderson lives in #247 and is possibly the hottest stripper-slash-social-science student you’ll ever meet.
3) #246 (The Blossoms) and #247 (The Dudes) have the longest standing, most ruthless prank war in the history of rivalries.

The only thing the two houses agree on is that they live and breathe for the next battle. But the real challenge is the one I never saw coming: an alliance with Lucian. When a cold winter threatens the stray cats of Deepsilver, our mutual love for animals forces us to team up. Bad, right? Well, it gets worse: we’re going to need the cooperation of our two houses to pull this thing off.

Book Review

Lucian and Kitty are on two opposite sides...literally. Of the road, of the fraternities and also indulging in an all out prank war between their respective Blossoms and Dudes communities. Unfortunately the heart wants what the heart wants so, even though Kitty is trying to keep herself aloof, Lucian is having none of the distance between them. Even if it means risking the wrath of all their friends combined. It's a hilarious book about college kids coming together for a worthy cause despite wanting to prank each other all the time!

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