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Book Description

Today, Bia is a Goddess, but her claim to immortality hangs in the balance.

All she knows is her mountain-top citadel with its god-honed buildings and endless comforts. However, this glorious place tolerates only greatness, and she must prove herself in order to stay.

Bia is agile with the sword, but she has no ability to make her a real contender in the yearly competition. What chance does a Skillbarren have against opponents who can control the elements, seize the mind, or wield any number of unimaginable powers?


Bia could surrender and become a mortal. But that would mean dishonor and exile. Three clashes—only one warrior can survive. It’s impossible for Bia to triumph with nothing more than her wits and her sword. But she must win—or die.

Book Review

This is another great start to a new series by Ingrid. Bia is born a Goddess, but she's got to talent. This means that she needs to fight to survive the trials to remain in her version of heaven and home. With a mother who is barely able to conceal her disgust for the daughter and sisters who have shown her no affection, Bia survives with her close knit group of friends. However even in her close alliance there may be troubles. How is she going to survive the trials? Is she going to chose to fight, or simply descend with the rest of the untalented gentry. Superb.

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