- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 2512 KB
- Print Length: 305 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Parsina Press (31 December 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital South Asia Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B003K16TSI
Book Details
Hawker was a good soldier--so good, in fact, that the Army asked him and his buddies to sign on for an extended hitch. What they couldn't know was that the extension would last forever. Century after century, war after war, Hawker and his comrades were resurrected over and over to fight on alien planets with ever more advanced weapons. The reasons for the wars were incomprehensible, but that didn't matter. All that counted was the fighting itself.From incarnation through incarnation, one goal remained in Hawker's mind. Somewhere, somehow, there had to be a way out of the loop. And he was determined to find it.
This is a modern revision of a classic science fiction novel.
Book Review
I am
absolutely blown away with this book. Cryogenics is such a fascinating topic.
Can you be frozen and wake up without ageing some day in the future? Is the
being that you are today, going to fit into a society in the future. Then add
the military aspect of how a fighting soldier will adapt to waking up in a
future world and fighting...simply amazing. And I love the four primary
"sleepers", the reasons that they got originally pushed into project
Banknote. Green really was the smart one...one single word was the key to
getting off the merry go round...remember. If humanity ever really goes that
way, and it is looking like a very real possibility, such soldiers will begin
to exist! Scary thought isn't it!!!
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