Vidula Nene

Product details

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 1777 KB
  • Print Length: 83 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital South Asia Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
Helen Scott Taylor certainly knows just how to pull on the heart strings and take the reader away from all the cares in the world. Italian Christmas Baby has all the right components anyone could ever ask for: Christmas, babies and holidays in exotic foreign countries. Who needs anything more?Our heroine, Emily, shows us that there is nothing wrong with trying to be a single mom, but there is everything right about being with the one you love, even though that someone broke your heart. You could say that this story is about second chances, or perhaps just a little intervention from Mother Nature. Either way, Savino is one lucky guy who is about to have his eyes opened for the first time. Helen Scott Taylor's stories are sincere, heartwarming and capture the essence of what love and romance is all about. I'll read and review her stories any day of the week!
Emily Trevathan is a translator who meets Savino Marin while on assignment. Their mutual attraction makes her feel that her deep love is reciprocated. However Savino thinks that Emily is a distraction that he can ill afford if he wishes his company to succeed. So at the end of their three week assignment he walks out of her life letting her know that he must focus on work not her. Emily’s heart breaks but is forced to move on. Only she can’t because she has discovered that she is pregnant. 
Just a few weeks before Christmas she attends a meeting where Savi is the presenter. Emily shocks Savi by appearance alone as she is due to have his baby in a few weeks but felt he had a right to know. Savi tries to make sudden decisions because of the pregnancy. Emily still loves him but is afraid because he claims he loved her but was committed to his business. I won't go further into this romance but it's a very enjoyable. The author writes so you feel as if you're in the middle of Emily's village and can see it as she does. The same thing occurs when Savi is looking out the window of his home which faces the Mediterranean Sea.This is a sweet romance, typical of Ms. Taylor’s style.The Italian’s Christmas Baby was a typically good read. 
Click here to buy:Italian Christmas Baby (Sweet Italian Christmas Book 2)
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